The Interreg IPA CBC program Greece – Albania 2014 – 2020
The program supports regional cooperation between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia with the overall objective to enhance territorial cohesion by improving living standards and employment opportunities.
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Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020
This Policy program aims to reinforce shared education, children & young people, shared spaces & services, and building positive relations.
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Ireland-United Kingdom (PEACE)
This Policy program aims to reinforce shared education, children & young people, shared spaces & services, and building positive relations.
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Interreg V-A Polska-Slovakia
This cross-border cooperation's prioprities include the prrotection and development of the natural and cultural heritage of the border area.
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Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme
This cross-border cooperation program's aims include the creation of common identity, integrated physical space, balanced development and improved policies and governance.
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Interreg V-A Czech Republic - Poland
The program enables the financing of cross-border projects in the Czech-Polish border area. It is managed by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic. The main contact points for programme applicants and grant recipients are the Joint Secretariat based in Olomouc and regional offices located in the program territory.
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Interreg V-A - United Kingdom-Ireland (Ireland-Wales)
The program focuses on cross border innovation, adaptation of the Irish sea and coastal communities to climate change, and cultural and natural resources and Heritage.
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Interreg V-A - United Kingdom-Ireland (Ireland-Northern Ireland-Scotland)
The programme will focus on research and innovation, environment, sustainable transport, and health.
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Interreg V-A - Sweden-Norway
The program will focus on increasing these priorities: 1) innovation capacity of SMEs and organisations, 2) number of SMEs and their competitiveness, 3) sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage, 4) ross-border commuting and mobility with low-carbon transport systems, and 5) labour mobility across the border
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Interreg V-A - Sweden-Finland-Norway (Botnia-Atlantica)
This program focuses on research and innovation system, environment, natural and cultural heritage, competitiveness of SMEs, and improving the East-West transport corridor.
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Interreg V-A - Sweden-Denmark-Norway (Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak)
The program will focus on strengthening R&D and innovation and increase applied research and innovation, promoting the production and distribution of renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in the public sector, supporting the TEN-T network with sustainable solutions, promoting employment through self-employment, in new companies and micro-enterprises, and increasing cross-border labour mobility.
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Interreg V-A - Spain-Portugal (POCTEP)
The program will promote smart growth, sustainable growth, and territorial cohesion.
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Interreg V-A - Spain-Portugal (Madeira-Açores-Canarias (MAC))
The expected impacts of this program include more than 109 researchers that will work on improved research infrastructure facilities and common projects with 37 enterprises, 354 enterprises will conduct cross- border activities, 1,307,937 citizens are concerned by future concrete projects on the ground, 22,862 Hectares will be supported to attain a better conservation status, and 169,858 citizens are concerned by future concrete projects on the ground.
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Interreg V-A - Slovenia-Hungary
The program promotes the better usage of under-exploited natural and cultural values through cooperation in tourism, being the Region’s key competitive, labour-intensive sector.
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Interreg V-A - Slovenia-Croatia
The program aims at improving disaster resilience by harmonising actions at cross-border level in order to have more integrated systems in flood management.
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Interreg V-A - Slovenia-Austria
The program will focus on strengthening cross-border research, innovation and competitiveness, protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency, enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public Administration, and technical assistance.
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Interreg V-A - Slovakia-Hungary
The program Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary aims at the joint protection, development and touristic utilization of the border regions' common natural and cultural heritage.
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Interreg V-A - Slovakia-Czech Republic
The program will focus on the following three priorities: utilisation of innovation potential, preserving the natural and cultural heritage, and development of local initiatives.
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Interreg V-A - Slovakia-Austria
This program focuses on achieving increased intensity of cooperation in the regional innovation system, improved, joint higher education Reduction of bottlenecks in wild life corridors, improved cross-border mobility and intelligent transport solutions, increased attractiveness of the border region in terms of green tourism, and intensified institutional cooperation.
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Interreg V-A - Romania-Hungary
The program focuses on contributing to a smart cross-border region, fostering natural and cultural heritage and biodiversity, supporting sustainable transport solutions, strengthening cross-border governance and institutional cooperation, and technical assistance.
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