The main WOW-ME objectives are:

  • To share innovative approaches for career guidance and training, including new digital tools for women re-entering the work market, especially disadvantaged women and women with fewer opportunities;
  • To create an online toolkit for trainers that combines 4 approaches to empower and support job seekers and enables a multiplication effect of the course to further locations and target groups;
  • To update partners’ training offers with the newly created methods and trainings;
  • To test the new training offers in national contexts with the target groups to ensure an instructional-learner fit throughout the entire project.

Consortium Members

Evolutionary Archetypes Consulting SL 

EA is an innovation research and science communication company. EA explores and assesses innovation strategies, resources, and technologies to empower future game changers. With innovation research, they study and analyse knowledge that can inspire innovators and entrepreneurs to innovate and succeed. With science communication, they take encouraging insights from scientific and technology research and share the knowledge in everyone’s words. Horizon Europe collaboration allows them to get involved directly in R&D projects supporting the researchers with technology and resources.



Rovnovážka was founded in 2011 by a team of several enthusiastic and passionate women who are not indifferent to the fact that not all people have the same chances in life, and especially in the labor market, as others. At the center of Rovnovážka’s interest are women, mothers, whom we help find a rare life balance while fulfilling all their roles. All of the Rovnovážka team members are also moms who know how hard and how important it is.

That is why Rovnovážka also works with employers and spreads awareness among them about how necessary and beneficial for all parties free and flexible forms of employment are. Rovnovážka fights for equality. Rovnovážka believes that women should be paid the same for their work as men.



Norsensus Mediaforum’s vision is of a society where all people and communities are engaged in powerful, purposeful, and positive social change. In this frame, we prioritize work with historically underrepresented groups, such as youth, low-income communities, immigrants, rural populations, and women. We infuse a social participation and human rights perspective into all that we do.Norsensus Mediaforum consists of young professionals with experience and expertise in diverse areas from digital media, design, youth work, human rights and engineering. We have also built up a strong team of professionals of all ages and a steering committe which helps and guides us in our projects.



The main mission of the Civic Association FutuReg since 2015 is to promote the development of cultural and social values ​​in Southern Slovakia, focusing on raising awareness in the field of children’s rights and equality, providing healthy and happy childhood and supporting research and development in the field of human sciences, life-long education and non-formal training.The main areas of FutuReg’s activities are conducted the field of education, training, culture, science and research.
The mission of the association stand on two pillars:
– helping children and youth because they are the future of the region
– helping the region because it provides living space for the next generation.
