Reinforcing Skills in Chips Design for Europe (RESCHIP4EU) aims to support the excellence of EU higher education around embedded systems design in a holistic way, from silicon via System-on-Chip design and manufacturing to smart and safety-critical platform and application software.
The holistic nature of the program provides a unique competitive edge to encourage graduates to design, analyse and innovate smart, green and safety- critical embedded systems in Europe. RESCHIP4EU will achieve this goal by designing and delivering a double-degree master’s programme (ISCED Level 7, 120 ECTS) in Embedded Systems Design with several specialisations related to the holistic design of embedded platforms safer, greener, smarter, and more efficient and a minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The master’s programme will be designed and delivered by 9 higher education institutions from 5 different countries with the collaboration of SEMI Europe, the global industry association representing the electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, ST Microelectronics, a global semiconductor company, 1 innovative SME expert in delivering education program, communication and dissemination, 1 ASBL (Association internationale sans but lucrative), and EIT Digital, a pan-European organisation with experience in delivering education programmes in advanced digital skills across Europe.
Consortium Members
EIT Digital – Belgium
Alma Mater Studiorum –
Universita Di Bologna – Italy
Yncrea Mediterranee – France
Budapesti Muszaki Es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyete – Hungary
Politecnico Di Milano – Italy
Politecnico Di Torino – Italy
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool – Estonia
Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio – Finland
Turun Yliopisto – Finland
Universita Degli Studi Di Trento – Italy
SEMI Europe GmbH – Germany
Evolutionary Archetypes Consulting SL – Spain
Stmicroelectronics Srl – Italy
Junior Achievement Europe – Belgium